Thursday, February 9, 2017

How to earn more money from Google Adsense

Google Adsense is the best way to earn money from web.It is the most reliable way to make money.Google Adsense is a great revenue sharing opportunity for all kind of website,it might be large,small or medium.Firstly you have to target  people who is the relevant to your site. Google will places Ad to your website according to relevant content.So focus on it.You'll get paid small amount when Ad is either displayed on your page or clicked by someone.Now i will going to show you some  superior idea that will boost up your boost Adsense earning.

STEP  1:Building an Ad unit

 a. First Sign in to your Ad sense account,Next you go to Adsense and just click on My ads option in the top of the left side.Please focus in below...

 b.Select a Name of your Ad unit.You can choose Any suitable name for you,But there is huge amount of data that you have to mange should be select a well naming structure. 
Example: Choose a terget site for Ad,Next select the Ad size and Ad date.
Look like: _728x90 . Make a format you decide for naming to use what you understand.

c.Select a size that you want to display your Ad.See below for details,you can got Google help.

d.Set a Ad type.This object helps you which type of Ad you will see your website.

e.Make a custom channel.A custom channel provides you group Ad units.You can informed by custom channel and turn on your channel into targetable Ad which place you want to put this.

 Create an ad which type you like most.This segment lets you prefer colors for the various element of an Ad such as title,font,background,title and URL.
It's always good for you to create an Ad colorful or suitable which is increase your site impression .Lets choose Google presets or custom settings.
f.Get code to add your website.if you have done your Ad setup then save it.Click the get code button and paste the code into your website and save.If you need any help go to Google help



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